Starting a New Career: Ideas and Options You Should Consider

We all dream of going into business for ourselves at some point. Few of us ever decide to take the leap, though, and that is a shame. There are so many opportunities out there for women who are willing to go their own way! In this post, we’ll talk about some of the options that are available to you whether you’ve got lots of money saved for this adventure or are just now thinking it might be a good idea to make a plan.
Idea #1: Franchising
Franchises are a great option for people who want to be their own bosses but don’t necessarily want to adventure alone or build something from the ground up. A franchise has the backing of a larger company behind it as well as an existing customer base into which you can tap. It’s true, it does cost a considerable amount of money to open your own branch of a franchise, but you’ll likely make that money back within a year or two.
And before you start grimacing at the idea of smelling like fryer oil, know that there are franchise options that have nothing to do with fast food. For example, the UPS store has franchising options for those who want to leap into self-employment and they have programs to help mitigate the UPS franchise cost of starting up. This is a particularly good option for veterans who would rather create their own jobs instead of trying to find employment via someone else.
Idea #2: Your Own Business
Are you tired of your neighborhood not having its own grocery co-op? Maybe you hate having to drive all the way across town just to buy office supplies. Do you wish there was a great burger place within walking distance? All of these are great ideas for startup businesses. Maybe you love papercraft–starting your own stationery store could be your calling.
The great part about starting up your own brick and mortar store/eatery is that you won’t have to cater to a larger corporation’s whims. You can go your own way–and without necessarily having to create your own products from scratch (unless you go the food based route of course). What do you love to buy? Can you get it in your town or neighborhood? Make an appointment with your local SBA office to talk about what you need to do/how much money you’ll need to save to build your own business selling what you want to sell.
Idea #3: E-commerce
There are a lot of ways to get into the e-commerce game. You can opt into an affiliate program and sell products online for a commission, you can create your own virtual storefront that you supply with different vendors and drop shippers. Essentially what you’re doing is getting into the mail order game, but it’s virtually based. The nice thing about this option is that you can get into it without spending a single penny of your own money. The other great thing about this option is that once you’ve got a good reputation and reliable customer base, this business essentially automates itself. This is particularly great for parents or women who are still in school or just looking for some spare cash.
Idea #4: Selling Your Own Stuff
Are you great at needle point? Do you make your own soaps? Do you take fantastic photos? There are a lot of great avenues through which you can sell your wares online. Sites like Etsy, eBay, etc are a fantastic way to sell your items directly without having to worry about site maintenance, shopping carts, etc. And, of course, you can choose to build your own empire from scratch.
Another option is to get into the reselling business. This is where you buy items at vintage and second hand stores, garage sales, etc, fix them up and resell them for more than you paid. Entire brands have started from these humble beginnings–just ask Sophia Amoruso!
Idea #5: Freelancing
This is another fantastic option for people who don’t have a ton of money or time to invest in their own startups. If you have a computer you can start your own blog and monetize it through ads and other merchandise (this becomes more profitable after you’ve built up your audience). You can pitch stories to publications, consult on design ideas or start your own freelance site building business. There are plenty of options for people who want to freelance and do the entrepreneur “thing.” The nice thing about freelancing is that you can work it around an already busy schedule and save up to go full time later, without risking your financial stability.
Have we missed anything? What’s your favorite “brand” of entrepreneurship?
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