Staying Healthy On The Job And For The Job

If you aren’t getting the right nutrition and the right amount of exercise it can really affect more than just your health, it can affect your job as well. Since businesses have begun adopting wellness programs it seems that people have become more satisfied with their jobs and they’ve spent less time visiting the doctor.
Even if your business doesn’t have a wellness program there are things that you can do on your own to help yourself feel healthier and more motivated. You may even want to challenge some of your coworkers to a few of these things and make it fun. Fun makes fitness and healthy eating even easier.
Making Sure You Get Exercise Throughout the Work Day
New studies have shown that sitting is extremely bad for your health, which is why it is really important that you take the time to get up as often as you can during your work day if you have a sit down job. Get up and stretch, or walk around your desk.
You can fit exercise in before and after work as well, by parking in the farthest parking spot and always taking the stairs. If your lunch is longer than you need, instead of reading take a walk. You be amazed at how many steps you can clock in a day if you just fit in some walking every chance you get.
Eat Right And Don’t Forget To Hydrate
Your second step to staying healthy at work, and for work, is to eat a healthy diet that helps keep your alert. Never skip breakfast and don’t go too heavy on lunch. Breakfast is the key to getting through the morning, but lunch helps get your through the slump of the day.
While a salad is a great, light, lunch option, you also want to make sure you get some protein to help keep you going. You can do that by adding some meat or seeds and nuts to your salad, or simply snacking on something like jerky.
If you simply don’t have time for lunch try a meal replacement drink so that you can still get the energy you need to make it through the rest of the work day. If you skip lunch you will lose the energy you need and may find your stomach growling a bunch.
Find Ways To Beat Stress And Give Your Mind A Break
Stress can literally kill you. Stress can lead to heart attack and stroke. That is why it is really important that you find ways to beat stress at work and at home. Take time out to meditate at work if you need to.
On extremely stressful days you can also schedule a massage after work. Massage is one of the best ways to beat stress. Try yoga too, which gives you stress relief and some much needed exercise!