The 6 strategies to success recommended by all bestsellers

There are thousands of books out there about how to be successful and achieve everything you want in life.
Most of them are focused on career topics, but many of them can also help you be more fulfilled in life in general. Regardless of what you want to achieve, there are a few strategies that every single book about how to be successful tells you to adopt.
So if you want to learn all about the crème de la crème of the success field, make sure you get familiar with these 6 strategies that will help you achieve all of your goals:
Write down what you want
If you want to achieve your objectives in life, first you need to know exactly what they are. And having them in your mind is not enough: you need to write them down.
Divide them by short term and long term goals, and be specific about how to measure them and when. After that, make time to revisit them on a regular basis and make notes of your progress.
Studies show that people who have their goals written down have higher chances of actually achieving them, so don´t skip this important part of the process. You can write them down in the notes app of your phone or send them via email to yourself. Whatever works, as long as you do it!
Pick your expertise field and focus on it
Choose one area of your work that you enjoy and are good at and focus on being one of the best at it!
Dedicate time to learn all about it: who are the important people to know, books to read, processes to follow, companies to be inspired by, opinion leaders to listen to, websites to visit. If you have one specific area of expertise, it becomes your differentiation factor and your value to the market grows exponentially.
Don´t forget that it has to be something that you really like, since this will motivate you to really learn all there is to know about that topic. Besides, people notice when you are a passionate about something and no one resists a passionate expert!
Always have a positive “can do” attitude
This is something that everyone values in co-workers and employees and it doesn´t require any talent or fancy diploma.
Be the person that is always positive about the challenges ahead and who believes that anything can be done, and everyone will want to do business with you!
Learn all the time
Be a sponge. Read books and articles, listen to podcasts, download apps and ask questions to those who´ve achieved their goals. Change your mindset and start seeing every challenge as an opportunity to learn something new.
Once you start doing this, even the most dreadful activities will start feeling a bit more interesting, since there is always something you can learn in every situation. And every new skill you acquire is another step towards achieving your goals!
Choose your friends wisely
The best way to learn is to always be around people who are smarter than you.
Surround yourself with intelligent, positive and forward-looking staff, friends and peers, and you will gradually become more like them.
Celebrate your victories and have fun!
If you wait until you achieve your big goals to celebrate them, you are going to have a very sad journey.
Celebrate every success with the people that helped you get there. Buy something special for you and your team, and tell people how important they were to help you get there.
Having fun every now and then doesn’t mean you are not serious about your project. It means you enjoy what you are doing and are happy to be working on it.
Plus, fun attracts people to you, and the more people want to work with you, the more opportunities you will have!
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