I Read #GIRLBOSS And You Should Too
There is a fine line between empowering women and being a feminist manifesto, and #GIRLBOSS treads it lightly. In fact, I think if you took out all of the references to being a “girl”...
There is a fine line between empowering women and being a feminist manifesto, and #GIRLBOSS treads it lightly. In fact, I think if you took out all of the references to being a “girl”...
With all of the available ways to communicate in today’s digital world, including calling, texting, tweeting, facebook chat, google chat, snap chat, instagram, vine, etc., there is no shortage of ways to get ahold...
I had the great opportunity to sit down with Melinda Emerson recently, and pick her brain about how to start a business. If your dreams involve being your own boss one day, you’re going...
Challenges in the workplace can sometimes be magnified by your age or tenure. How can you break away from the “amateur” or “newbie” stereotype? Every time you start a new job or get assigned...
My day yesterday was the epitome of a “lazy Sunday.” While I did laundry, made dinner and washed some dishes, I honestly just sat around in sweats and switched back and forth between football...
A few months back, a coworker and I were baking in the D.C. heat and humidity as we walked a few blocks to grab lunch. We were especially chatty and began to discuss all...
When I accepted a job offer after graduation, I was so excited that I would be getting rid of the late night paper writing for a 9-5 routine with all kinds of other benefits....
I recently found myself extremely stressed about work. Just completely overwhelmed. You know the feeling when you think your eyeballs may roll right out of your head as your brain explodes? Yeah, I had...
This post should probably start with a little disclaimer: I’m a very competitive person. I come from a long line of competitive people and we tend to find a little bit of competition in...
Dear world, I am an underpaid employee. I don’t like it. I have to suck it up. Sincerely, Poorest Meghan Yep. I said it. I work way too hard for the teeny paycheck I...