Tell-tale Signs That You Should Turn Down That Job Offer

When you’re looking for work, is it important not to be too eager to accept a job offer? Why?
How important is it to consider the costs of relocating for a job and the cost of housing at the new location?
When accepting a job offer outside of your current location, it is critical to do your research on the cost of housing in the new area vs. your existing costs, as well as the costs of actually relocating. Housing is one of the largest expenses you have in your monthly budget and usually set the tone for the cost of living in a given area, therefore you will want to analyze the costs of housing and ensure that your new salary/compensation package is truly competitive for that region and accounts for cost of living adjustments from your current location.

Should your ability to advance be considered before accepting a job? Why is this important?
If you have a bad feeling about a job, is it ever OK to “go with your gut” and reject it, even if you don’t have a specific reason?

Older workers have less time to earn money before they retire. Why is it important for them to refuse a job offer that could be a poor financial move?
Unfortunately, older workers no longer have the benefit of time in the workforce when planning for retirement and long-term financial stability. Given the fact that in many cases, Social Security only covers a moderate portion of monthly expenses, and not all companies provide pension plans, older workers will want to ensure that the job moves they make in their later years will have a positive impact on their financial position and will help ensure they are provided for upon retirement. A job that proves to be a wrong financial move can set their retirement earnings back, and it may cause them to continue working much longer than anticipated in order to establish the required financial base before leaving the workforce.
Why should job applicants ask about the rate of turnover for the job they are seeking?
Job applicants should ask about the rate of turnover because you want to uncover any red flags prior to accepting a position. If turnover is high, that may mean there are issues with the actual job role, work environment, overall company culture, or some combination. Asking about the rate of turnover and the reasons behind the predecessor’s departure can help you gain insight as to what kind of environment you are walking into, and if that position and company truly represent the right next step for your career.
How should applicants react if they can’t get straight answers about such things as what duties the job will require and the rate of pay?
If you are unable to get straight answers about the job responsibilities or compensation package, that can be a red flag. However, applicants should opt to ask the questions in a different way first to see if there may be an answer. Instead of asking “what is a typical day like?” or “what will this position be responsible for?”, try asking “what are the immediate priorities for this position?” and “what would you want this position to accomplish over the first 6-12 months?”
Sometimes if a position has been newly established, it may not be fully outlined before bringing in a new employee. Therefore, it may be difficult to answer direct questions about job responsibilities. But if you rather focus on the priorities and objectives of the role, you may get a better answer. In addition, if you aren’t getting answers about the pay rate as once again, this may be a new role with no historical pay baseline, you can ask about the pay range or incorporate market rates into your discussions to see if that helps to drive the conversation to a more concrete place on compensation.
However, if you are still not getting satisfactory answers to these basic, but yet critically important questions, you may want to ask yourself if this job is one you should pursue any further.
How important is it to find a reasonable work-life balance at a new job? If the boss assures you he won’t work you more than 60 hours a week, is that a warning sign?
This guest post was authored by Julia Rock
Julia Rock is the owner of Rock Career Development, a boutique consulting firm whose mission is to empower individuals to unlock and achieve their full professional potential while earning the money they want, no matter what career path they choose. She launched Rock Career Development in 2013 to help job seekers and career changers take the guesswork out of the job search process and reach their desired career goals. Julia is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP), and a career, entrepreneurship, and leadership development expert. Furthermore, she has a true passion for economic empowerment and financial literacy in the Black community.
Julia has been featured in several publications, including xoNecole, AspireTV, Blavity, 21Ninety, and more. In addition to working with individual clients, Julia also serves as a speaker and workshop presenter for various professional, religious, and community organizations.