The Best Marketing Tools for Your Business

No Investment Online Side Hustles

We understand that marketing plays an enormous role in achieving success for your business.

After all, a business will always ride on the coattails of its reputation. No matter the size, market knowledge is the main power in a company’s arsenal, as it takes the person minding their own business and transforms them into a willing consumer.

In the end, marketing is a skill, and like any other skill, it requires tools to get the job done properly. Which ones are the best, and how can you use them effectively?

Google Analytics

The online world is a door of opportunity. It’s a space where every demographic can roam freely, meaning if you market your services or products there, you are guaranteed to attract some interest.

Google Analytics monitors this interest and is a viable marketing tool. It shows you where customer traffic is flowing through, pinpointing trends and interests. It flags keywords, so that you can then know precisely what your target audience is searching for.

Consequently, your business can adapt accordingly and evolve into something new based on the wants and needs of your consumers. This is precisely what a marketing tool should provide; not just a one-way feed to the customer, but also giving their feedback directly to you. If nothing else, you’re joining a conversation that allows you to cater to the customer.


Every business needs a space where each idea can be tried and tested. It needs to be safe, secure and only viewed by the relevant persons involved. Fortunately, online software makes this possible.

A collaboration website and app, Basecamp provides a safe space to both plan and problem solve. It’s a website that knows how vital teamwork is to corporate success, and encourages it through notice board posts, project assignments and comments, allowing a constant flow of creation and feedback online. It can be accessed in the office or on the move on the user’s personal device, such as a smartphone or laptop, keeping business activities both safe and agile.

Consequently, this is a new brand of efficiency, and marketing is benefited by it due to the simple fact that ideas and feedback can be shared anywhere, anytime, in collaboration with peers and superiors. If it’s purposed in such a way, it can be a permanent link to the world of marketing. It can help create a unified vision and operate as a resource of opportunity.

Local Means

Depending on your business’s size and stature, broadcasting your services to the world can be a mistake. Advertising campaigns cost more and more depending on their size, which is why only the biggest businesses are embellished around the world.

Put it this way; if you’re running a small shop on coastal town, advertisements outside the local area won’t help you and only waste your money. Unfortunately, no one is going to drive down from the city to browse your wears! Consequently, catering to those on your home turf is the path forward.

For local marketing, small and centralised marketing can mean you win big. If you’re a b2c business, personalised ads are likelier to win more favourable responses. Holding some tangible advertising can spark a connection between customer and business, one that far outstrips a spam email or a generic billboard towering over Central London.