The Best Merch for Your Business

How can you create the best merch (promotional merchandise) for your business? There are so many options when it comes to merchandise that sometimes the biggest challenge can be narrowing down your options. However, with so much choice comes lots of opportunities, so creating great merch should be a priority for your business. Here are some tips to help make sure you’re getting the most out of your merchandise.

Why Merch?

Merchandise is a great way to delight your customers and get your brand out there. Whenever someone walks around with a t-shirt with your logo on, it’s free advertising, and if you can do this on a large scale, it will lead to huge brand awareness. One of the nice things about merch is it allows your business to be creative and interact with people in a unique way, and the best merch for your business will leverage this idea.


It’s a powerful thing when someone sees your merch and thinks, “oh, I must find out what that brand does.” If you can grab people’s attention with your merchandise, then it’s only going to help your marketing efforts.

Whenever someone can see your logo and immediately link it to your business, you know you’re doing something right, and merch can be a big help with this. With Anthem Branding, you have so many different ways of customizing your merch, so make sure you’re grabbing people’s attention and putting your brand center-stage.

Express Your Ideals

People don’t like faceless corporations. They want to get to know the people and the values behind your business, and merch is a way to do this. With merchandise, there are no restrictions, you can express your character in any way you like, and this is a great way to build strong relationships. Branding is an extremely powerful thing, and by showcasing your values, you can create real connections with people that turn them into regular customers.

Businesses don’t often have the opportunity to show their human element, but with merch, they do.

Keep It Simple

While you want to be able to show your character with merch, it’s also important to keep things simple. Ideally, you want people to be able to wear/use your merch wherever they go, but they’re not likely to do this if it’s overcomplicated. The most effective messages are generally simple ones, so think of ways you can show your brand’s character concisely.

It can be easy to get carried away with your designs, but sometimes it’s best to keep things simple.

Be Unique

There are almost no limits when it comes to merch. It’s not just hats and t-shirt you can put your brand on; it’s pretty much anything. Make sure you’re being creative and not just doing what everyone else does. Don’t be afraid to experiment and do something a little different. Your top priority as a business is to ensure that you stand out, so don’t just follow what everyone else is doing and make sure that your merch is unique.