The Best Week Ever

For those of you who have been following my journey since getting let go from my job a few weeks ago, I must say that not many weeks could top this one!  Week 3 was an exciting one both personally and professionally (thus the creative title of this post!).

First, I got over my huge fear of hosting an event.  Specifically, I was afraid that no one would attend other than my family and best friend Katie.  In addition, I assumed that getting gift bag donations would be nearly impossible.

Turns out, Ms. Career Girl Connect had about 80 attendees along with 25 gift bag donors, 5 door prize donors and 5 vendors!  So many women have emailed me, tweeted me and called me saying that they got so much out of the event and can’t wait for the next one.  Lesson Learned: if getting over your fear will help other people – even one person- DO IT.  It’s so rewarding!

In other exciting news, I was asked to be a source for a US News & World Report story and have established a partnership with that will allow me to communicate with lots of amazing women while earning some designer clothes!

What I’m REALLY excited for though is the opportunity to be a guest on an XM radio show on the Oprah and Friends station (details to come!).  I’m a talk radio and podcast junkie (along with an Oprah fanatic!) so this opportunity is sort of like a fantasy coming true.

On a personal note, my boyfriend, Thano, accepted a new position this week with a Chicago-based firm that he is SO excited about! Most importantly, he won’t have to travel anymore! I’m used to him being gone at least Monday-Thursday as he has traveled about 100% of the time during our relationship.

As this week full of excitement would have it, we also moved in together on Saturday.

And the best part about this whole blog post, week and possibly ever…

Thano proposed to me on Sunday!  We were only 1 hour into our annual family vacation with Thano’s family in northern Michigan when he took me to Sleeping Bear Dunes and popped the question.  I was TOTALLY shocked and couldn’t be more thrilled about spending the rest of my life with him.  Oddly enough, the ring Thano chose for me was the exact ring that I put on my vision board back in 2007.  I was almost freaked out by the coincidence!

Woo hoo to life!



Nicole Emerick

Nicole Emerick founded Ms. Career Girl in 2008 to help other ambitious young professional women thrive in a career they love. Ironically, growing MsCareerGirl helped Nicole transition her own career from commercial banker to digital marketer. Today Nicole leads the social media team at a large advertising agency in Chicago. Nicole also served as an adjunct professor at DePaul University where she helped develop the careers of PR, Advertising and Communications students. Tweet with Nicole @_NicoleEmerick.