The Magic of Using Recruitment Software

Even though I consider myself an updated female earthling in an expanding twenty-first century, I still encounter things that bombard me with amusement. Recently, I came across a new web-based invention they are calling recruitment software. These are software that automate the human resources tasks. The automated managers simplify the recruitment process, which according to most HR managers is a very tedious task. They post jobs on dedicated job sites or other websites that you may prefer. They list all the applicants and create databases for each one of them.
In this way, you have all the information that you need about every applicant in one place. You also get to know whether an applicant is being interviewed, has been reviewed, is being called, was turned down or was hired. Are you already seeing the magic?
Even before you come out of the too-good-to-be-true revelation, here are four advantages of using the automated hiring software.
Simplified Evaluation
When an applicant signs up, the software captures all their details, which includes their curriculum vitae, cover letters, location, identification cards, contacts and everything that is required. Therefore, unlike traditional methods of hiring where you had to keep tons of files, they make the process simpler.
Best Applicants
I understand that we all strive to win the best employees to work for us. What I came to learn about the new machine HRs is that they can be customized so that they post only on the best [preferred] sites. In this way, you can always be sure of acquiring the best workers for yourself.
24-hour Recruitment
As hinted earlier, the hiring process can be very tedious. This, however, changes when using the new invention. The software remains active for as long as it is programmed to be. Therefore, the applicants can access it anytime then the hiring manager can go through the applications at their convenience.
If this does not move your heart and wallet, nothing will ever do. You no longer need the extended office hours to receive and interview tens of candidates. You do not have to print leaflets and have them posted all over town. The numerous calls to hundreds of potential applicants are no longer necessary. In a nutshell: you save more, and that means more money!
Image courtesy of Alan Cleaver on Flickr
In the light of this, fellow boss ladies, you no longer have to worry about balancing household chores and your profession. You can spend the extra time perfecting your hair then after dinner; you sit and pick the crème of the crop from all the applications that you netted. Does it get any better?
Image courtesy of Examination Today