The Three Cores Of Getting Noticed As A Burgeoning Actor

Cary Grant

Being an actor is by no means easy. You never know whether or when you’re going to get that opportunity to soar or crash. To make your big break happen of miss it entirely. You can’t tell whether or not you’ll ever get spotted. However, you can make it a lot more likely. Success as an actor means spotting and even creating those opportunities. In this article, we’re going to look at how go-getting actors get the attention they need from those who matter.

burgeoning actor

Picture by skeeze

Look the part

No matter what career you’re going for, your personal image and attitude plays a huge role in having more success in it. This is only heightened when it comes to an acting career. A career that depends not just on how you look, but how you carry across as a person. You need to make sure you carry yourself presentably at all times. Not just at auditions or when meeting with an agent. You never know when you’re going to come across that opportunity to make an impact. So don’t leave the door without keeping yourself primed and ready. Looks aren’t everything, but in this business, they still mean quite a lot.


Picture by tmeier1964

Keep putting yourself out there

If you want to get noticed, you’re going to have to keep yourself at opportunities to get noticed. It’s easy for anyone creative to feel like throwing in the towel, even if it’s just a temporary stop. However, we all usually find ourselves coming back to our passions. But the time taken away can be damaging. Keep finding new opportunities to get noticed. Drama clubs and classes. Whatever theatre you can get yourself into. Working alongside TV extras for smaller roles. Don’t knock away any opportunity to make yourself part of the business. All of it can help you better build your resume. Not only that, it helps you to hone your craft. The more opportunities you have to practice and to learn, the better your chances of being someone worth noticing.


Picture by EliElshi

Be noticeable

Being a good actor isn’t the only thing that matters about being noticeable, though it certainly helps. You need to take the steps to make yourself a lot more noticeable and easy to get hold of. If a director or producer wanted to find you after seeing you in a theatre, would they be able to? Would they turned off or turned on by how they found you? Whether you have an agent or a website or both, they need to look the part as much as you. They need to give the impression of a professional, of someone who’s ready to work and serious about it. Relying on cheap signposting won’t do you any favours.

Nothing in life is guaranteed, the same can definitely be said for getting spotted as an actor. However, even taking the steps mentioned above at least makes it clear how professional and driven you are. All you can do is keep increasing your chances of that day coming sooner rather than later.