Time To Call The Dentist! 3 Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore

Experiencing a dental issue can cause an enormous amount of pain and discomfort, but often it can show as nothing more than a basic symptom that you choose to ignore. However, the likelihood of you encountering a seriously painful problem increases dramatically the more you continue to ignore these warning signs, and a simple fix could easily put a stop to the issue before it starts to wreak havoc! Spotting the relevant warning signs isn’t always easy, so here are 3 of the most common dangers along with the symptoms and solutions to help you maintain your pearly whites for as long as possible.
Discolouration Of The Tongue
The colour of your tongue can change due to a bad diet, infection, bacteria, dehydration and many more factors, but each of these issues will present itself in a different way, making it much simpler for you to pinpoint your exact problem. For example, a pale smooth tongue is often caused by a combination of low iron levels and a lack of vitamin b12. A smooth red tongue could be a sign of glossitis (a form of inflammation), whilst. A ‘hairy’ tongue that looks somewhat furry can develop when a piece of food blocks the papillae due to a lack of proper cleaning, whilst red and white raised bumps can be a sign of ulcers. Taking the time to check your tongue regularly will help you to spot a change in your tongue colour or texture.
A Case Of Bad Breath
Bad breath isn’t a normal occurrence, as you shouldn’t feel a sour taste in your mouth and throat without eating something as severe as a piece of raw garlic or onion. There are many causes of bad breath that can actually signify a serious health issue, so it’s important that you can get it checked if you feel a considerable difference rather than chomping through packets of extra strong mints day and night. Bad breath can often be a side effect of tooth decay and gum disease, as the smell of the bacteria causing you damage can intensify thanks to the warm, wet environment inside your mouth. Be sure to book in with a quality dental surgery that can provide you with anxiety-free dentistry, as this way you’ll be far more inclined to visit knowing there are no judgements made.
Abnormal Growth & Inflammation
If ever you notice that your gums, cheeks, lips or tongue begin to grow or increase in size, you must contact your dentist immediately. Inflammation is a serious symptom that will likely need medical attention, as growth and sensitivity suggest a build of fluid that will only occur in the event of injury or infection. Be gentle when brushing your teeth and use the opportunity to assess your mouth for any inflammation or abnormal growths that might need your attention.
Be sure to grab your phone and make an appointment with your local dentist if you ever experience one or more of the three warning signs described above!
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