Traveling Solo ? Tips to Consider!

When thinking of travelling alone around the world, or even to another country, it can be a daunting thing. You have to think of where you’re going, how long you’re going to be there, when you’re going and what you’re going to need. Not to mention the lack of companionship.   But what if you didn’t have to worry about that last part?

traveling solo

Traveling Solo Tips

There are plenty of resources out there for people who want to find great places to go without trying to find somebody to be your travel buddy. And you can do it on a budget – check out some great deals and voucher codes at If you’re looking for something that’s more guided, with a big group of people, EF College Break is an example that offers great trips for people aged 18-28. These trips are all inclusive, and have set dates and times and no strings attached – other than showing up. Plus, you’ll get to make a bunch of new friends around the same age as you, and create wonderful memories.

If you’re a woman who feels like she wants to be more free and make your own vacation plans, but don’t really want to do it completely alone, there’s something for that too. On a site called you can sign up and find people that are looking for travel buddies, wanting people to help plan trips, or even start a trip of your own. And the best part is that you get to pick who and where you go, so there’s no mystery as to who you’re traveling with. It’s like traveling alone, only with someone!  And don’t worry, it’s not the Thelma and Louise of Hollywood lore!

solo travel

If your idea of traveling alone is more of the sightseeing variety, consider trips on singles cruises or even long-distance train travel.  Both offer the their own variety of adventure in a contained environment so there’s less worry about being all alone in an unfamiliar area.

traveling solo

Of course, if you really don’t want to go traveling with anybody because you want to live free and fly on the wind, there are tips that will help with that. When you’re checking in for the first night, make sure that you arrive long before dark, or find a hotel with a 24 hour service desk if late arrival is inevitable.

Going out for social time, whether in an art class or a night out at the club is a great way to make friends with locals, but make sure that you keep all important information on you, such as business card of the hotel, insurance, passport, and emergency contacts. That way in case anything happens, they will be able to notify the correct people. Things like flashy jewelry should be left hidden, so that you don’t draw unwanted attention, but don’t be afraid to ask for directions if you don’t know where you’re trying to go.

solo travel

All of this is a great start to traveling solo, but nothing can top research of the place that you are visiting. Making sure you know what the major landmarks are, where good places to eat are, and the best hotels that you can afford  are a few ways you can keep yourself safe from becoming the next big news headline. Next time you feel like seeing a new place, don’t worry about trying to find somebody that you know to tag along. There are new opportunities out there to make your dreams come true.

Main Image Credit: JFXie  Happy Traveler: Symmetry_Mind

Jackie LaMar

Beach lover. SoCal dweller. Life is never over unless you surrender. Keep going, the prize IS out there.

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