Tips for Buying a House in Competitive Real Estate Markets

Buying a home in a competitive real estate market can be quite difficult. With that said, it’s not impossible. After all, if there’s a will, there’s a way!
If you’re thinking of buying a house, the following are a few tips that could help you find ways to buy a good home at a reasonable price:
Developing Relationships
Finding a reasonably priced home may be difficult, but one way to improve your chances is to develop a relationship with a realtor or several of them. This isn’t something most people do, but it can be very effective. Start by making a point to localize your relationships. For example, Angelenos looking to move to the suburbs should get to know a few Pasadena realtors and those in neighboring communities. That way they’ll be the first to know when new listings pop up. This approach can give you the advantage necessary to swoop in on a good deal before others clamor to do the same.
Choosing Fixer-Uppers
An effective way to get an affordable home in a red-hot real estate market is to buy a fixer-upper property. While there’s no denying these homes need a little love, which tends to mean spending a decent amount of cash on repairs and remodeling, the bottom line will likely still work in your favor. You want to make sure you have the property inspected. Since a good inspection will inform you of how much you’ll have to pay to make the place livable, consider it a justifiable expense.
Going a Bit Further
Homes tend to be expensive because of their location. The closer a home is to a big city, the more you’ll end up paying for that home. If you can’t find many options where you are searching, it may be a good idea to consider buying further out. Some people choose the suburbs, but even the suburbs are close to the city. It may mean a longer commute to work, but at least you’ll own a home at a reasonable price if you choose one in a little township you’ve never heard of.
See a Lot and Offer
The next thing you can do to find a good idea is to make sure you see several properties. Once you find some, offer a price that you are comfortable with. Go as low as you can, and make this offer to as many homes in your ballpark as you can. Yes, this strategy is going to feel a little overwhelming because the likelihood of getting rejections is high, but that doesn’t mean everyone will reject your offer. Someone will accept your offer, and you’ll end up with an affordable home.
Consider Wholesalers
Those who will be buying a house with cash may want to consider wholesalers. There are some real estate sellers out there who focus on purchasing a distressed home to sell them with a slight markup. The problem with these types of wholesale real estate sellers is they only deal with cash. This is not to say that you can’t find a wholesaler who won’t work with you if you need to use a loan, but the chances are slim.
Get Financing Arranged
It can be tough to buy a house in a competitive market. If you’re looking to purchase a home and don’t have the cash on hand, you’ll need to get bridge loans. Here are some tips for getting a loan in a competitive housing market:
1. Shop around for the best interest rate. There are many lenders out there, so it’s important to compare interest rates before you settle on one.
2. Get pre-approved for a loan. This will show sellers that you are serious about buying and give you an advantage over other buyers who haven’t taken this step.
3. Make a strong offer. When you make an offer on a house, make sure it’s one that the seller can’t refuse. This might mean offering more than the asking price or including a solid down payment.
Now, you can see that buying a house even when the prices look high can be done. You just need to talk to the right people, follow some of these tips, and have a little patience.