Top Business Careers For Women In 2017

The world of business has vastly changed for women over the past generation. Though women still are not paid equally in comparison to men’s wages, they are much closer. Soon enough, the U.S. will have its first female President, and women will have finally conquered the highest position in the nation.
For now, there are plenty of high paying positions out there for women willing to work hard towards their goals. Women are making more than ever before and running much more than their households (not that that is not a full-time position in itself). Take a quick peek at a few of the highest paying careers available to women in 2017.
Advertising and promotions manager
With a yearly average income of just under $180,000, professionals in this field specialize in advertising and marketing strategies. The field of advertising and promotions is dominated by female professionals.
Men in this profession still get paid quite a bit more than women, but who is really counting when the job is already paying six figures? Surprisingly the pay gap in this industry is more than 25 cents to the detriment of the ladies.
Public relations manager
Public relations managers work to improve a company’s relationship with the general public. For women who pride themselves on their ability to smooth things over in an argument or disagreement, public relations is the place to be.
The field is wholly dominated by women, and the average yearly salary of a public relations manager is around $95,000. The growth rate of this particular field is average at around 12 percent by the year 2022.
Human resources manager
Almost every business needs a human resources manager. These professionals handle the hiring and firing of company employees and any other issues that go along with catering to a group of working individuals.
Human resources managers take care of all the issues pertaining to the “humans” that work for a business. The average yearly income of women in the industry is close to $100,000, and the gap between the pay for men and women is smaller than most.
Education administrator
A master’s degree or better is typically required for an education administration position, and the average yearly income for professionals is $86,000. The growth rate of the industry is average at around 11 percent by the year 2022.
Women who love working with numbers should consider going into the field of statistics to become a statistician. Women in this particular field make more than average with a median yearly salary of just under $80,000. And the gap between men and women is lower than some at 15 cents.
Wondering where women can find equal pay opportunity? Check out the video for the top 5 in 2017.