Non- Permanent Ways You Can Completely Transform Your Appearance

Now and again it’s fun to switch things up a bit. Maybe you’re going to a special party and want to do something different, and really wow everyone. Or perhaps you just feel like experimenting? If you work in a professional environment, you might not get much creative expression with your look or style during the week. So being able to change it up in a non-permanent way is the way to go. With that said, it’s also important to remove all the make-up after a long day. That’s where having effective make-up removers can be a big help.
With a few changes to your routine, you will be able to regain a refreshing look again. Here’s how you can go about it!
Makeup can dramatically change your appearance. Done well it really is an art. Start by evening out your skin tone and covering blemishes and dark circles with a good foundation, concealer and powder. This will instantly make your skin look flawless. If you usually have a lot of redness, freckles or blemishes just this step alone will change the way you look.
Use highlighting and contouring techniques to alter the appearance of your bone structure. This is where darker and lighter creams or powders are applied to areas on the face. It can make your face look slimmer, your cheekbones look more defined. You can even change the appearance of the size and shape of your nose. For example, running a contour product that’s a few shades darker than your natural skin tone along each side of your nose with a lighter highlight shade run down the center will make your nose look slimmer.
Facial Makeup Details Matter
Cleverly placed eyeshadow will make your eyes look bigger and more defined too. Experiment with different smokey eye looks and liners. These can really accentuate how they look and make them a stunning standout feature. False eyelashes are extremely effective and can help you achieve a very pretty doll-like finish. They open up your eyes making you look more awake, and do a much better job than any mascara ever could. You can get a huge range of styles from natural and subtle all the way through to ultra bold and glamorous.
Finally, big lips have been a huge trend for the last couple of years. But you don’t have to resort to lip injections to get on board. Slightly overlining your lips with a lip liner before filling them in with the same shade will give you the appearance of a plumper pout. Choose a matte product as this will have the most lasting power. When you’re using this technique you don’t want it smudging across your face! A smudge-proof liquid lipstick is your best bet.
Contact Lenses
Incredibly, a procedure now exists where you can permanently change the colour of your eyes. A coloured implant is inserted into the iris, giving them a different colour and works almost like a permanent coloured contact lens. However, this is still a very new procedure and not without its risks!
If you don’t want to go to such extremes, regular removable colored contact lenses are a much better choice. You can experiment with all different kinds of shades. From natural looking colors such as brown, blue and green to more extreme vibrant colors for fun. You could also try Korean circle lenses which make your iris appear larger. It’s a quick way to instantly change how your whole face looks and is an excellent way to try something new. Have a go on an eye color changing app or program online, and you can play around with different shades before deciding. The difference really is shocking, with a dramatic color change (light to dark, or dark to light) most people look like a different person entirely.
Fake Tan
If you’re naturally quite pale, fake tan is a quick way to totally transform your look. But without dangerous UV rays from the sun or sunbeds. A tan can make you look healthy and sun kissed. Who wouldn’t want to look like they just stepped off a beach?! When your skin is darker, it can change how your eye and hair color looks, and overall just make you look different.
Getting fake tan right can be tricky so you may have to experiment with various brands and shades. There’s a fine line between bronzed and satsuma, so it’s worth treading carefully. Always exfoliate before applying for the best finish, and use a tanning mitt to put it on. Fake tan hands is a cardinal beauty sin! Deepen the look further using bronzer on your face and body. And if you’re going out for the evening, a small amount of shimmer on the legs and decolletage looks fantastic over fake tan. If you’re using to looking a certain way, this is bound to create a massive impact when you turn up at the party!
Hair Extensions
Even if you’re too scared to dye or cut your hair, you can change how it looks with the use of hair extensions. Clip in extensions aren’t too expensive to buy and allow you to instantly change your appearance. The length and added volume of the hair will make you look and feel glamorous. But always go for 100% human hair rather than synthetic, or a synthetic blend.
They also allow you to try out styles that you might not have been able to achieve with your natural hair. Long ponytails, messy buns, braids and a whole host of other styles can be accomplished with clip in extensions. There are of course longer lasting extension methods such as sew-ins and extensions that are bonded to the hair with glue. These will last for a few months. However, the clips ins are great as you can take them in and out within minutes. You could keep your hair tidy and modest for work but go all out on the weekends with long volumized locks.
Beyond Extensions
To change thing up even further, you can even buy clip in bangs too if you’ve always been too scared to cut your own. This can massively change how a person looks, and best of all it’s completely reversible. And if you wanted to temporarily modify the color, why not go for a full wig instead? You can buy wigs made out of 100% human hair which look very natural and realistic.
So if you’re a blonde that has always wanted to experiment with a dark shade, or are naturally dark and want to try platinum this is a fantastic way to go! Alternatively, you could go with a fun colour that you’d never be allowed to wear at your workplace. Pastels are popular, or you could even have a hairdresser do you a custom shade. Again just make sure you’re not buying synthetic hair, as with extensions it gets very tangly and can’t be dyed or heat styled. Plus synthetic hair has a naturally plastic looking quality which looks very obviously like fake hair.
If you usually wear glasses, switching to contacts instead can be enough to make you look completely different. If you don’t wear glasses, try experimenting with pairs which have clear/ non-prescription lenses. ‘Geek Chic’ has been a comeback trend this year inspired by Gucci. You can easily experiment with the look using fashion glasses. Thick bold frames can look amazing!
Finally, change your appearance with clothes. If you usually wear a certain style, changing this up will alter the way you look. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. Go into a store and pick up a few pieces to try on that you wouldn’t usually have considered. If you don’t want to spend much, look through sales or thrift stores and pick up items from there instead. Use blogs, Pinterest and Instagram as a source of fashion inspiration and replicate any styles you’re drawn to.
If people are used to seeing you wearing very ‘safe’ pieces, or you’ve had the same style for years, this is bound to make their jaw drop! If you’re conscious of your figure in tighter pieces, wearing shapewear underneath will pull you in and make you look smooth and slender. Think about outfits as well as footwear, jackets and any accessories to finish everything off.
Think “New You”
You can transform from Plain Jane to fashion diva, biker chick, girly girl or bohemian in minutes just by what you wear. Tailor your hair and makeup to the style for the full effect. Clothing is a fun way to switch up your style, and if you don’t like it, then you can just change back. So give it a go!
So play around with different looks and just enjoy it! See yourself as a blank canvas and allow yourself the creative expression to try new things. The beauty of all of this stuff is that it’s completely reversible, so what have you got to lose? If you’re fed up of looking the same way and crave a new look, you can totally transform on just weekends. And then still be back to your professional and modest self on Monday morning.
Have you ever found yourself in a style rut, or craved a new look? Then go ahead, be daring, and try some of these!
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