Uchic’s Diploma Diaries: A gradu(ette’s) guide to life

As the resident “recent grad” at MCG, Nicole asked me to check out this book, U Chic’s Dipoloma Diaries, which considers itself “The chic grad’s guide to work, love, and everything in between.” Now I am one of 5, with an older sister (you know her as Katie Marotta Dawson—a writer on this very blog) and older brother. In addition to the unlimited, and sometimes unavoidable, advice of my older siblings, I also have two loving and supportive parents with A LOT to say about “work, love, and everything in between.” I was feeling pretty secure about my ability to judge the quality of Uchic’s advice. Of course I was very excited to receive the assignment, and even more excited when the package arrived (who doesn’t love mail?). I unwrapped it and…
It was pink.
Now, there is nothing wrong with pink! Obviously I love the MCG layout, which also features pink. My sheets, comforter, and phone cover are pink for goodness sake! However, for one reason or another, the pink cover of Uchic made me commit the cardinal sin of an English Major: I judged a book by its cover. My first thought was “UGH, of COURSE it’s pink. Pink is for girls. What else could a girl possibly want??” and I feared a book full of dated tips about stereotypical “girl stuff.”
I was happy to discover that I could not have been more wrong!
As I read through the two-hundred plus pages of personal essays, Uchic tips, and editor intros on everything from making friends in a new city to organizing finances to working abroad, I found myself thinking, “that is just what Katie/my mom would tell me!” Growing up in a household FULL of advice, I have heard everything about everything while simultaneously being encouraged to be myself. Uchic’s guide really made me think about all the other graduating ladies—what if they didn’t have the support or advice I had been given? What would I tell them? I would hand them a copy of Uchic’s Diploma Diaries and tell them to look past the pink cover.
You can find a copy of Diploma Diaries here! Happy reading!