Upgrading Your Life -Now Is The Perfect Time!

Your cup of coffee tasted a little stale this morning. You swished it, stared absentmindedly down at it. You drank it while you leaned against the oven at home. Then, you had another cup of coffee at work. At your desk. Where you sit. Every day.
If your life is starting to seem like an endless cycle of same-ness, it could be time to change it up. You only get one trip on planet Earth, and you want to make the most of it. Money isn’t everything, and ultimate satisfaction comes from things outside work.
Some Self-Assessment
Maybe you longed to be an artist or designer, but now you sit at a desk shuffling papers. You’re content with your job, more or less, but it’s been years since you scratched that creative itch. Not since the end of high school, as a matter of fact. You feel an uncanny desperation to get your fingers into some paint. The good news is, there are options for you as an adult who wants to design. Start small: go to a painting class at your local wine and art bar, work with a business to design your own unique light fixtures, or maybe start an Etsy shop on the side. You probably won’t switch over to doing art and design full time, but you’ll be expressing yourself. You’ll be taking time to invest in what you want to do for you.
Maybe you wanted to travel the world. Maybe you wanted to feel like you were a part of something more exciting than the ordinary. You long for that extra pulse of adventure, that mystery, a good strong wind in your face. It’s been years since you took the time to go hiking or travel. You wish there was an easier way to get out of the house and have that quiet thrill. If this describes you, you might consider a small vacation house, or a boat. Even if you can’t afford a boat all at once, you can purchase one through boat financing. It might do you some good to get out on the water.
Maybe you feel a little hopeless, a little grungy around the edges, a little cynical about humanity. While volunteering with people in need may sound like the best way to get depressed, contributing to a hurting world boosts your life satisfaction. When you see good start to happen, it gives you hope. And even while it seems like there will never be enough good done in the world, knowing that you’re a part of it will give you sweeter dreams at night.
Whatever you choose to do, you don’t need to keep your life on the path towards ordinary. Do something crazy. Do something a little wild, a little human, a little selfless. You’ll gain more satisfaction in life because of it.