Week in Review
Here are some random thoughts about what I was reminded of this week:
1. A bit of positive news builds a heck of a lot of momentum. This week I talked to ForbesWoman.com and mscareergirl was officially accepted into their blog network. For me this is a huge honor, and hopefully the start of lots more business-related writing.
2. Writing lists are only so helpful. It’s apparent that I only do what I want to do on my list. My laundry has been sitting in heaps waiting to be folded for 3 days, my house is a disaster, and my fridge is low on inventory. Although these were big items on my list, I could not have cared less.
3. The power of focus is pretty amazing. And no, I haven’t focused on cleaning at all this week, but I’ve made a lot of progress on planning for Ms. Career Girl’s improvements and growth. This happens before and after my day job. Working on this passion is what gets me out of bed every morning, drives my energy and my happiness every day.
4. Without passion, women will never achieve focus. If we don’t care about something, good luck focusing on it. Especially for spacey ADHD types like me.
5. We suck when it comes to doing things we aren’t good at. I notice this in myself at work and in my friends/family. We ask our co-workers a few extra times if we are doing something correctly, we stall, we procrastinate, we complain to those at home, we get stressed out, we make it way harder than it is, we want to escape. This will definitely be a career barrier if we don’t overcome it.
6. Asking for/saying what you want (or stating how you feel) is so much easier than worrying about being polite, delaying the inevitable, or bottling up energy. That in itself crosses a lot off the to-do list, saves time and rids toxic energy. In my opinion, this is one thing career women need to do more of! I have several examples of this from the week which I’m not going to get into. And- sidenote- I’ve noticed that being direct keeps getting easier and easier…you should definitely try it!
7. “Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Think and dream really REALLY big. It is really REALLY fun!