What to Know about Collagen

In youth, the skin is vibrant, tight and smooth. As we grow older, visible lines start to form. Our skin can begin to sag, and signs of age start showing through. The reason this happens is partly because our body isn’t producing as much collagen or elastin. These are considered youthful components of the body, found in higher quantities in young people than in older ones.
There are a number of ways to beautify the face and skin and try to bring back youthful looks. One treatment, known as Ellanse, manages to do that by stimulating collagen production in the body. It works naturally by using components in the body and getting them to form or stimulating production when they would normally be waning.
Ellanse, the new class of dermal fillers, relies on collagen, and it’s important that anyone interested in getting a more youthful appearance or using something like Ellanse on their skin knows about collagen. We want to briefly cover what it is and how it works.
Let’s Talk about What Collagen Is
If you were to take some of the skin from your face and pinch it in your hand and then pull, it would stretch slightly and then resume its shape when released. If your skin doesn’t sag and looks quite firm, then that’s because collagen is working like it should be. Collagen gives your skin some of its elasticity, or its ability to stretch and return to its normal shape. This is a sign of resilient skin that is able to heal quickly and not look malformed after the healing process.
When you were young, you would heal faster, and part of the reason for that is the collagen present in your skin. It aids the cosmetic process of healing, making your skin look normal faster. As you grow older, scars form more easily, bruises stay for longer and scabs take more time to heal. That’s because there isn’t as much collagen present.
Collagen is a building protein, and it exists in many parts of your body. It can perform a variety of functions depending on what part of the body it is present in. We talked already about what it does for your face and how it helps you maintain a youthful appearance.
Collagen is a protein that your body will produce, but it doesn’t produce as much as you grow older. This allows fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin to appear, all of which are visible signs of the aging process. It’s normal to lose some of that collagen in your body as you grow older, but you don’t have to lose it so quickly, and you can hold onto your youthful looks for longer.
How Do You Get More Collagen?
You can increase your body’s collagen production in a few different ways. You don’t have to simply put up with the effects that age is having on your skin.
If you change your nutritional intake, you can boost your collagen levels. This will probably mean eating some different foods and avoiding some of the foods that you are used to eating. Medical experts suggest consuming salmon and bone marrow broth to help with the collagen level in your body. These don’t contain collagen, but eating them will help your body to produce more of these components.
You can also increase collagen in the body by using aesthetic treatments. Ellanse has been shown to improve collagen production and stimulate your body to produce more than it normally would. A single treatment can last a year for the smaller doses, but larger doses can last as long as four years. You can talk to your skincare specialist about Ellanse and what kind of dosage might be right for you.
The great thing about an aesthetic treatment like this for your skin is that it produces collagen in a natural way. It doesn’t simply fill your body with more collage and then get rejected. Instead, it works with the natural processes of the body and safely boosts production of collagen. If you are looking for a safe way to get your youth back and improve your body’s collagen levels, then this could be what you need.