What Your Options Are After High School

after high school

Finishing high school can be just as terrifying as it can be exciting. If you’re a teenager who just finished high school often, you might feel an immense amount of pressure from both other people and yourself. It can be hard for you to know what to do next.

Luckily, the world has changed throughout the past few decades and college isn’t your only option anymore. Sure, studying is a great option and you shouldn’t dismiss it, but there are other directions you can explore after high school.

Take a year off

Gap years have become all the rage, with some people travelling the world after high school and other staying at home and taking a break before starting college or work. Gap years are a great way of taking time to figure out what you want to do with the next chapter of your life.


This seems to be the most popular options among students fresh out of high school. Degrees are one of the most sought-after qualifications, so it’s easy to see why so many people decide to commit to studying a degree. Here’s a list of universities in Illinois, so you can see what they have to offer. You can find similar lists online for whatever state you live in. Or country, for that matter!

If degrees aren’t your thing, there are still many different qualifications you can gain, from certificates to diplomas. You could even try a few short courses in different career-areas to see which ones interest you the most before you decide to do a longer qualification.

Learn a trade

Formal qualifications aren’t your only option when it comes to learning after high school. If you’re more interested in working with your hands but you don’t want to learn all the theory behind it, try to find someone in your desired trade and ask them if they’d be willing to show you the ropes. You could even do an apprenticeship if they’d be willing.

Go into the arts

Similarly to learning a trade, art is something that can be learned without a proper qualification (although you can study it as well, if you want to). In fact, many famous artists never had any proper training.

Whether you are into visual art, musical art, or literature, there are many paths for you to follow where you can live out your passion without necessarily having to obtain a degree or other qualification.


More and more people are deciding to skip getting a qualification of any sorts and instead head directly into the job market. You might not get a high-paying job if you’re fresh out of high school, but if you take an entry-level job and stick with it, you could be able to climb the ladder.

A pro of immediately getting a job is that you’ll immediately be getting an income and be able to establish independence much sooner. Applying for a job can be daunting, especially if t’s your first time, so make sure to be as prepared as possible and have an up-to-date CV.

Apply for internships

If you can’t find a job due to lack of qualifications or experience, try applying for internships. While they don’t pay much (or at all, sometimes), they are a great way of building up your resume and creating contacts. You can even ask to shadow people to see what a typical day in the life of a person is when they are in a certain career.


If you’re not ready to work or study but still want to be doing something valuable with your time, why not volunteer? There are a number of places you can volunteer at – old age homes, children’s houses, animal shelters, and many more.

Volunteering has many benefits for both you and for the environment, plus it’s something to add to your college application or CV if you ever do decide to go in that direction. It’s sure to impress future employers and boost your career.

Start a business

A few years back, the idea of a teenager fresh out of high school starting their own business would have caused people to laugh at how ridiculous it is. Nowadays, it’s a very plausible possibility. Sure, it might be harder than starting a business after you’ve studied and saved up for capital, but that doesn’t make it impossible.

In fact, more and more people are skipping the study part entirely and just leaping into creating their own business. You’ll need a lot of self-discipline, but if it works out the rewards will be worth all your trouble. Believe in yourself – many teenagers have learned how to start their own business.