Where Do Writers Write? Take A Look…

Last month I showed you where I write my books.
There were many photos of my garden, which is where I do a lot of daydreaming and procrastinating while pretending to work.
This month, we’re looking at where other writers write. Take a look…
Barbara Claypole White, Echoes of Family
After years of working on the family computer in the main living space of our open plan house, I took over a small upstairs bedroom. I love that I have a door I can close; I love that my view is of the forest and part of my woodland garden; I love that during the holidays, I have a bird’s eye view of the Christmas tree.
Catherine Ryan Hyde, Allie and Bea
Behold my easy chair. I started writing in a recliner over a decade ago, because it was kinder on my back. I have no desktop computer—I do everything on a Mac notebook. This is the most relaxed and hospitable spot in the house. On my right is a window looking out over my backyard. Hanging in front of the window is a hummingbird feeder, an oriole feeder, and a seed feeder frequented by song sparrows and finches. I can look up if I need some not-too-distracting inspiration
Diane Chamberlain, The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes
Last year, my stepdaughter who is a DIY blogger and general contractor, PrettyHandyGirl.com
turned my porch from a dark, drab, disgusting dive into this pretty work of art. Since then, I work out there whenever I can. Yes, I trash the place, but it’s temporary, and I’m inspired by the trees and birds and the sunshine.
Kristy Woodson Harvery, Slighty South of Simple
This little spot is just a corner of my bedroom, not an actual “office,” but it is my favorite place to write. I fell in love with this desk, and my husband surprised me with it when we moved in. I like my writing spot to be clean and organized, free of papers and clutter, so this is the perfect spot for me to clear my head and write—especially because the water view outside the window is quite spectacular. It’s the perfect space to inspire a beach book!
Diane Haeger, The Secret Bride
This is my ‘mom cave’, my office, the place I can escape to, the space in which I write at least something every day. My office is filled, not just with my beloved books, but with dozens of tokens and mementos from colleagues and readers, each of which inspires me when I glance around at them.
And of course frequently there’s my little muse, Stevie!
Julie Cantrell, The Feathered Bone
A nature girl at heart, I am most inspired when I can write outdoors surrounded by birds, bees, and blooms. For years I helped operate our family’s sustainable farm in Oxford, Mississippi. I wrote from the porch swing, in the company of peonies and phlox while horses and lambs grazed in the pastures. Due to a few life transitions, I recently relocated. I have yet to recreate my extensive flowerbeds and gardens, but I’ve got a little corner of blooms and a kitten who purrs and a whole heap of color to keep me happy as I spin my stories. That’s what I call a good work day.
Brandi Megan Granett, Triple Love Score
My office is in a spare bedroom in my home on the western edge of New Jersey, about six miles from the Delaware River. What I love best about it is looking out over the green of the backyard and my archery target. We moved here to have more room for practicing my beloved sport. It used to be my desk faced the other way until a dear friend pointed out how I was missing the view. Thanks to her my co-workers now include numerous birds at the feeders, white tail deer, and wild turkeys. My two dogs often accompany me, prodding me to get my writing and teaching done so that we can go into the kitchen and have a snack.
Katie Rose Guest Pryal, Entanglement: A Hollywood Lights Novel
“My office is on the third floor of our tall, narrow house. My desk is a small, square table with a chair facing the window. When the blinds are open I feel like I can see for miles. I have two small children, but even when they are home (wrestling alligators or whatever they do with they’re dad when I’m not around), I’m far enough away that I can’t hear. And since my entire office fits inside my handbag, the small table is all the space I need.”
Kathryn Craft, The Art of Falling
Unlike my secluded, quiet loft office at home, during the summer I camp at the heart of our northern NY State lakeside cottage. On warm days I thin the barrier between me and the outdoors by cranking open the large windows all around me; on cold days I stare into the mesmerizing flames of a fire. All reference materials I’ll need for the summer are hidden in milk crates beneath this table. It’s in the middle of everything and, as visiting family comes and goes, almost impossible to concentrate. I love it.
Ann Garvin, I Like You Just Fine When You’re Not Around
I write in this room because there are two windows and a door. Three ways to escape and shut the world out. When I’m writing well, I love this room. When I’m not, I use one of the escape routes.
Amy Impellizzeri, Secrets of Worry Dolls
While I have a designated “writing office” in my home with a locked door and everything, with three busy kids and a needy dog, my office is much more likely to be right in the middle of them while still stealing some time to myself. The living room couch is one of my favorite places to spread out my notes while I’m working. My pup, Cocoa, makes a very good writing companion
Laura Drake, Cowboy Karma
When we moved to our retirement home in Texas, I got first dibs on what room to use for my office. I picked the one with the wood floors, bookcases and a view of the front yard. It’s where I spend most of my day, and with a cat bed on the printer for one cat, and the other stretched out on the couch, I’m happy!
Marin Thomas, The Promise of Forgiveness
My desk is a Texas ranger desk-it’s huge and it was a gift from my husband to celebrate my first sale to Harlequin Books. I have a steer skull on the wall which goes along with the cowboy romances I write. I love vintage/old stuff and find knick knacks at flea markets which inspire me.
Amy Sue Nathan, The Good Neighbor
When I moved and downsized last Thanksgiving I had to find a new writing spot for my fourth novel in my much smaller home. I never write sitting at a desk, so now I sit on my sofa, feet up and covered by a blanket crocheted by grandmother 25 years ago when my son was born.
Ella Olsen, Where The Sweet Bird Sings
This is my new office which used to be my daughter’s room. My college bound son moved out of the basement and she moved down within hours. Empty room = new office. I used to write in the dining room so I love my new space. On the other hand, I hate that my son no longer lives at home.
Kelly Simmons, The Fifth of July: A Novel
I can work anywhere. Rain or shine. Public or private. Light or dark.