Why Jobseekers Should Use Recruitment Agencies

A lot of people are torn about whether or not to use the services of a recruitment specialist. Everyone has their own opinion about it, and at the end of the day it is you who lands the job – your credentials, personality, and experience is what matters. However, hiring a recruitment specialist can help you in more ways than you think. If you don’t mind putting in a little bit of funds into your job search process, here are some reasons to consider a specialist recruiter!
Get an answer to the age old question; “What’s your expected salary?”
This is one of the hardest questions to answer in a job interview. Recruitment specialists can give you a rate that you truly deserve to use as a benchmark. Having an understanding of your skills and the knowledge of the true industry standard gives them an idea of what you should ask for.
They know your industry.
When applying for a job, it is important to have every aspect of the job search process customized to your industry’s standards. From what you should say in the interview, to what should be in your resume, to what you should wear to make the best impression, they will provide you expert advise.
They have stronger presence.
Since you can’t be in ten different places in one time, it would help to have someone who can connect you to all opportunities applicable to you locally or even abroad. They’re able to know what jobs are there for you, even those that haven’t been released to the job market yet. If you’re targeting companies that you want to be a part of, they can even forward your resume to their contacts, giving you a better chance if not soon then later on.
They can make your job search more cost effective and organized.
Since communicating with you is one of the key roles of a recruitment agency, they will be able to really organize your applications and save you the time, effort and money spent in going to and from companies that you have applied for.
Have you used a recruitment agency as a jobseeker before? Tell us all about it! Tweet us @mscareergirl or comment below!