Why Managing Your Stress Levels Is So Important

Sadly, for us career girls, far too often all the stress we are under a work can start to build up. From keeping on top of work deadlines to dealing with issues in the office, work-related stress can easily build up.
And while you may think stress is fairly harmless, high levels of stress can have some nasty effects on your body. That’s why it is so important that you make the time to de-stress and calm your mind.
Still not convinced that you need to manage your stress levels? Then have a read of this. Here is our guide to why you should make an effort to manage your stress levels. To find out more, keep reading below:
Stress can lead to weight gain
You might think that stress would cause you to lose weight because you might be feeling too stressed out to eat properly. But actually, high levels of stress have the opposite effect.
According to recent studies, stress can cause the body to release a chemical called Cortisol which can cause the body to crave fatty and sugary snacks. That’s why when you are feeling stressed; your first response is that you need to munch on your favorite snack.
To avoid gaining weight because of stress, make sure to do at least one stress-reducing activity each day. It might also be a good idea to keep healthy snacks, like fruit sticks and low-fat yogurt on hand for stressful moments.
Stress can lead to heart problems
While you might think you are too young to be affected by heart problems right now, that isn’t necessarily true. Although rare, heart attacks and heart problems can affect anyone of any age. So it is important that you learn to manage your stress to prevent any heart problems from occurring.
The link between stress and heart problems isn’t clear, but multiple studies have shown that there is a direct link between the two. Unless you fancy having heart problems later in life, it is crucial that you learn how to deal effectively with stress.
Stress can lead to hair loss
One of the most shocking effects of stress is that high levels of stress can lead to hair loss. For us girls, the idea of losing our hair is one of the worst concepts.
Did you know that high levels of stress can lead to alopecia? The thought of stress causing your hair to fall out may seem a little far-fetched but believe us on this, stress can lead to hair loss.
If you do get so stressed that your hair starts to fall out, you can choose to wear a wig until the hair grows back. Or, you can visit hairtransplantcost.info to get all the information you need about getting a hair transplant. Hair loss might sound scary, but it is not the worst effect stress can have on your health.
Stress can lead to insomnia
You might think that after a long and stressful day at the office, it would be easy to fall asleep. But sadly, that isn’t always the case.
If you are under too much pressure at work and are overly stressed, you may suffer from insomnia and be unable to get to sleep. While not dangerous, this irritating condition will leave you feeling exhausted and even more stressed out.
To keep your stress levels at a minimum, take the time to relax each day. You can do this by taking a bubble bath, practicing yoga or going for a run – find out what works for you and make a habit of it.