Win Friends and Influence People with your Smile

There’s something about a smile, it transfers to others in an infectious way, and some say it is a window into a person’s soul. The global trend for healthy bodies seems to be here to stay, with cycling and other active pursuits becoming a part of everyone’s life. While doing one’s best to look and feel good, there are certain attributes that an exercise program won’t cure, and the teeth fall firmly into this category.
A person who has a missing or broken tooth will be very aware of the fact, probably more so than the observer, and this awareness becomes acute when in social company. One cannot relax and smile as one would like, armed with the perception of how bad it looks, and so the occasion becomes a bit of an ordeal. The heavy psychological effect that bad teeth can have on a person is subtle, and the constant stream of media ads that show beautiful people with Hollywood smiles doesn’t help, and the more one sees gleaming white teeth, the more self-conscious one becomes. Bad teeth are often the cause of a person’s lack of confidence, and the good news is, this need not be the case!
Dental implants
Dental implants are similar to real teeth in as much as they are rooted into the jawbone, and are usually self-tapping. The implants are made from titanium, which is not only strong, it bonds well with human bone and tissue, and promotes osseointegration, which is the process of a substance, such as ceramic or titanium, fusing with human bone.
Solid foundation
Because implants are rooted to the jawbone, the prosthetic teeth that are fixed onto the implants, do not slip or move in any way, which cannot be said for regular dentures. This solid anchoring enables one to speak confidently, as there is nothing as embarrassing as when someone’s dentures drop down in mid conversation! The very thought of it holds people back, and they cannot be themselves when in the company of others.
The perfect solution
Whether an individual has a broken or missing tooth, or needs a full-mouth implant, modern dentistry provides a permanent solution, at an affordable price. One of the biggest myths surrounding dental implants is that they cost the earth, in fact, implant surgery is affordable, and with payment plans, it can be integrated into the budget. If a person were looking for dental implants in Perth, Accent Dental specialise in the latest implant technology, and providing the patient has good jaw-bone structure and healthy gums, implants can be fitted.
That winning smile
Many people have turned back the clock by opting for implants, and disposing of their regular dentures, which were never really perfect, and required high maintenance. Feeling confident is vital, if one is to reach one’s full potential, so if the teeth have always been an issue, now is the time to put that right, and implant technology is the ideal permanent solution that gives a person that winning smile.
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