Yes, Good Grades Matter, Education Matters

The modern world is divided on the value of education and its position in the current society. More and more uneducated people are getting highly successful while a good number of people with degrees are working at McDonald’s. More interesting still, among those who decide to get the education, there’s a divide on whether grades matter or not.
Yes, Education Matters
Well, in case you were getting comfortable lazing around and being popular at the expense of your academics, I’ve got bad news for you. Yes, education matters.
The proponents of education not being important and a determining factor in somebody’s success in future life usually use examples of individuals who had very little or no education and become very successful to rubbish the importance of education. Meanwhile when you look at it from a more logical point of view and get the average earnings of educated people – say –people with a bachelor’s degree and compare them to people without you see the trend. The educated fellows on average seem to be doing better.
Another factor is that anyone who becomes very successful with very little education is little to become very popular since they’ll be seen to have beaten bigger odds to get where they are compared to somebody with education. A successful person without education is also more likely to have his success exaggerated in gossip, especially by education skeptics.
Education means more than seeking that certificate
Education isn’t just about gaining knowledge to pass exams and getting into the job market with your degree certificate. It is about using the acquired knowledge to enhance your personal growth in different spheres of life. Education should give you confidence and the independence of living life without having to lean on others. It is about finding the reason behind everything using the knowledge you learned at school. Education is the ability to think and apply it in the real world. Formal education thus is a tool that makes you better prepared for self-education and life in general.
To put it more practically, two people go hunting, one has a rifle, and the other has a spear. There’s no guarantee that the person with the rifle will be more successful – the person with the spear might know the best spots to catch a game or maybe luckier, but the guy with the rifle has the advantage. The guy with the rifle is like the educated person, and the guy with the spear is the uneducated one.
Are Grades important?
Girl, let no one ever lie to you. Grades are very important. While at school, get those answers on homework, study hard and go for it. Out here in the job market, employers go for the best and the last settle for the breadcrumbs. You don’t want to be the one eating the crumbs while your friends are having the fine bread. Live your life on campus but never forget what took you there.