Your Career Path to a Job in Design

Are you interested in a career in design? If so there are a number of ways to get into this varied and challenging career. One of the best things about a job in design is the fact it is so varied. No two jobs are ever the same. Of course, there are a few skills you will need in order to thrive in the industry.
There are also quite a broad range of design jobs available. You could find yourself creating anything, even blast rooms! A lot of industries need blast rooms and many prefer to have their own custom design. You will need a lot of training and qualifications to get into this type of design job. Below you’ll discover everything you need to know about getting into the design sector.
Getting the right qualifications
Qualifications aren’t always important when looking for a job. However, due to how competitive the design industry is, qualifications are important to have. Around two thirds of people working within the sector have a level 4 qualification. Half of these have higher than a level 4 qualification. You can find both undergraduate and graduate courses that will give you a good head start in the design field.
Put together a toolkit
As featured on the Creative Bloq, putting together a toolkit will really help. This is basically something you put together to show what you can do and why you should be hired. It should include your resume. However, a traditional resume just won’t cut it these days. You need to show your creative side so a Microsoft word document isn’t going to impress a company.
Always have a portfolio
A portfolio is one of the most important things every design candidate should have. Without one, potential employees have no idea what you are capable of. Most will ask to see samples. So how do you get samples if you haven’t any previous experience? The answer is to volunteer or put together some samples in your spare time. You need to have as many different samples as possible. Ideally you should put the portfolio on a website for easy reference.
Efficient networking
Once you are qualified one of the main things you need to focus on is getting yourself known. This involves a lot of networking. Make use of the internet and get on sites such as LinkedIn. The site is packed full of potential employers so it is a great way to contact companies you wouldn’t mind working for.
Consider going freelance
Design jobs aren’t overly common. If you find it difficult to find a paid position, it might be worth considering going down the freelance route. There are dedicated freelance websites that have numerous jobs posted on a daily basis. Freelance may not be as secure as an employed position but it can be a great way to get into the industry.
Overall getting a design job is hard work and you will need to be incredibly creative. However, provided you are willing to put in that hard work, you will end up with a rewarding job at the end of it.